آقای امین ناصحی



This is Amin Nasehi, a member of PNU Language Academy. I have always been passionate about science and anything related to it and linguistics happens to be a part of this vast ocean of knowledge.

Learning English as the second language has opened a gate of information to many individuals around the world and I'm not an exception. English is not only beneficial in your everyday life, but it can also act like a key to the doors of the other languages in Indo-Europia and other places around the world; as it's helped me learn other languages.

The most important point in getting accustomed to a new language can be exposure. That's the thing which has taught me the American, British, and AAE accents.
I suggest everybody to be in the exposure with the target language through different sources like media, video games, songs etc. This will help you build an unconsciously structured system in your mind which will end up improving your overall knowledge.
I would rather say that practice does not make perfect, but it can help you to go one step further to wander around this beautiful mystic world of knowledge every time. There are no upper limits involved.

Wish you all the bests; Au revoir, bonne journée.